Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Samuel is sick

I had a lovely day with Samuel today, trying to get him onto a regular schedule, but ran into a bump. It seems like he is sick again. There goes our training and any hope of sleep for the next few days. Luckily, it looks like another snow storm is hitting Boston, so I can probably stay at home tomorrow.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Pooping Problem

At his 4 month visit, I told Samuel's pediatrician that I wasn't too concerned about Samuel infrequent poops since he was thriving on breast milk, but I was puzzled because his poops every 10 days or so, was way out of the range of normal in my experience in my practice. He said it was for him too. So we will be going to see a gastroenterologist to see what's going with Samuel's GI tract.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009

Samuel and the Yphantides

We visited with Phil, Betsy, Nicole, Joey, and Bernice in San Diego. Samuel fit right in.
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Friday, January 9, 2009

Reading with the boys

Since returning from Boston, we're still trying to help the boys readjust to New England living.

Joshua was grumpy at bedtime but finally promised, "I won't make sounds" and "I won't whine" so that I would lay down with him.

We haven't had much success training Samuel to sleep through the night. He's also developed an aversion to drinking from the bottle. He really enjoyed the past month in California, sleeping with mom in bed and feeding ad lib.
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