There had been a little too much potty talking going on at the dining room, "You're Mr. Poopy Head!", etc. so we set a ban on "bathroom words" except in the bathroom. Whenever Samuel comes close to saying a bathroom word: "Boo" or "Beep", he'll immediately explain, "I didn't any bathroom words daddy."
Samuel tells us, "I love you both mommy and daddy, together!" His hands still immediately go to our arms and thighs whenever we are close to him. He likes for us to wear short sleeve shirts/t shirts and shorts so he has easy access to flesh. He is very much a physical touch kind of guy.
His bedtime prayers go like this: "Dear God, thank you for this day. Thank you for mommy, for Joshua, for daddy, for Annette, for Roland, for Samuel, and thank for you the clock, and the bed, and Francesco, and McQueen, and Mater, and for presents, and this book, and this book. and in Jesus name, Amen."