Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My son is so athletic!

Samuel shocked me the other morning when I came into his room at 3am and he was doing gymnastics! He had elevated both of his legs to 90 degrees and was kicking at the mobile over his crib. He's going to have abs of steel once his baby fat is gone if he keeps this up.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I'm a firefighter

I play with all of Joshua's toys when he's at school.
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My big bro

Joshua likes to sing and talk to Samuel, who loves it all.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


We have just started to wean Samuel this week. He quickly went from about 4 oz a feed, to now sometimes as much as 7 (but usually 6). He also seems to be sleeping more through the night. Going down at 8 or 9. Feeding usually again at 2 or 3 am. It is definitely getting better. He also saw the GI doctor and has been started on a laxative: Lactulose, and the results are still a bit iffy.

Samuel has gotten even more interactive. Now in the stroller, he uses his gloved hands to pull down the shade. Auntie Sarah Clark was over last night and he had blast whenever she would wiggle him. He would look at her face, and seemingly anticipating the next week, would break out in a big grin.

Samuel likes to nap in his stroller. He likes his milk very warm.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Where's the schedule?

We can't remember how we did it with Joshua, but we are having a terrible time getting Samuel into a schedule. Maybe it's because he's not pooping well. I thought we would be able to put Samuel into his crib and have him fall asleep instantaneously by now. Nope. Instead, it's hold him until he's passed out, or he cries bloody murder. Sometimes, he will fall asleep while we are putting him into this sleep sack. I guess we are getting there. Sometimes, he will seem like he hates drinking from the bottle. Also never a problem with Joshua (except when he was 3 months old). But nevertheless, Samuel is just a dose of sunshine--always ready with a big grin, even after bawling his eyes out so much they are puffy.