Sunday, December 27, 2009

Missing church

Church is always during nap time for Samuel. Sometimes he makes it, sometimes he don't.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Samuel is watching his first big snow storm with his big brother.
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Joshua's Flashdance

The first time we've seen Samuel with these moves.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Nothing earth shattering, but it's just a lot of fun to listen to him. He's not saying a lot that is comprehensible, but he's got a lot to say and with attitude sometimes.

Brushing teeth

Samuel's smiles are captivating.

Library time

Samuel saw this little girl at the library and started to follow her around. He really enjoys sitting at tables and drawing with crayons.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sleep changes

Yipee! We moved Joshua's firetruck bed to Samuel's room, and moved the crib into Joshua's room and voila, we are now back to sleeping bliss. Samuel can wake up in the middle of the night or at 5am in the morning, and I don't need to rush over to Samuel's room and get him before he wakes up Joshua. This morning was the first time I've slept in in months.