Saturday, October 20, 2012

I'm getting good at this

While playing ping pong today at Grace's wedding in NYC, Samuel announces, "I'm getting good at this!"  Not really, but I love his confidence.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Not so sick

Samuel was coughing a lot last night, so this morning, I decided to keep him home with me instead of exposing everyone at his preschool to his germs.  Samuel was elated.  I quickly realized that he was actually feeling pretty well--the only time he would cough was when I asked him how he was feeling.  "I feel sick dad."
Nonetheless, it was a fun day to spend with Sam.
We went to Chinatown to have noodles.

At one point, I thought Samuel had all of sudden learned how to read--he saw a red button on the Silver Line and sounded out the word: "Ssss, tttt, oopp--STOP!"    But then later we saw a vending machine and when I asked him to read the word "Pepsi", he sounded out:  "DRRR..INNNN....KKKK."  I think he's faking phonics.

It was fun to have a daddy--Samuel day:  we played hide and seek at the playground, enjoyed a nearly empty Children's Museum, watched a lot of demolition & construction along the streets of Boston, I carried him all the way from Kendall to Joshua's school when he fell asleep (good workout!), and it was nice to be relaxed and be able to give him some special attention.  In return, he pointed out a lot of interesting things to me, like this skylight at South Station I never noticed before.  Sam said, "It looks like someone punched out the roof and put some windows up there!"