Saturday, May 29, 2010

Samuel's new supercut

I skipped the usual visit to the Chinatown barber for a quick visit to our Central Square supercuts, and it was really nice: clean, no wait, fast, and Samuel was super cooperative. We will probably be going back.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Talking a lot more

Samuel is finally experiencing his verbal explosion. He had me a little worried awhile back, but he's really come around. He loves to repeat the words he hears around him, for example, while he was picking his nose this morning, "Boooger!" Or when he points at his elbow and say, "Elmo!" He likes to lift up his shirt and show off his "Tummy!" And Thomas the tank engine is, "Tommy!"

But of course my favorites are when I come home from work and he stops what he's doing and runs to me saying, "Daddy, daddy!" and when I ask him a question and he says, "Yesh!"

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


At breakfast this morning, Samuel wiped his hand on the leftover yogurt on his tray, and then started to rub it into his hair. I told him, "Don't put yogurt in your hair Samuel." While looking straight at me, he dipped swiped more yogurt off the tray, and started patting his hair again. This is something Joshua would have never done. Joshua was our rule keeper, and often the rule enforcer--even his teachers at preschool saying that "he is a good role model for following the routine and classroom rules even when there are changes that arise." Parenting Samuel is going to be very different.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

First visit to the zoo

Samuel likes lions. Hear him roar!


Samuel got to hang out with Ah-mah while mom was gone to Korea/China.
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The boys like to read

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Samuel does art

Samuel attends Annette's art installation reception at MIT
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